After reading one of my friends blog, I saw that he used his blog to vent his anger towards the world on it, so I think I'm going to try that for a post.
I'm sick of kids. It's nothing against them, but there are just too many of them. Maybe I'm just sick of parents. After all it's their ignorance to keep having kids. I'm not talking about all parents and saying that no one should have kids. That would obviously end our species. I'm talking about people having eight or more kids. Why would you do that? Religion. Most people do it because of religion. They read the bible and it says go now and populate the earth. Yeah that was over two thousand years ago. WHEN THE EARTH WAS NOT FREAKEN POPULATED! DAMNIT PEOPLE, NOW IT IS NOW OVERPOPULATED SO USE YOUR BRAINS THAT WERE GIVEN TO YOU AND USE A CONDOM!
The most recent case of ignorance and irresponsibility is from Nadya Suleman, who just had octuplets. Now I'm not mad about this because of the octuplets. You can't really control that. I'm mad because now she has FOURTEEN kids. That means she already had six. Now if this was a normal case, I would have just said fourteen kids? How about you use up some more of the earth's resources and hurt it more. But no. She's going to be using up the earth's, and our governments resources for her kids. Now why would that be? How about because she 33 year old single mother that is unemployed. And before these kids, she was already getting $490 in food stamps. Now taxpayers are only going to have to pay more for her and her kids because she's not intelligent or responsible enough to know when enough is enough. Honestly how do you get that stupid? You're doing good for no one. Not the earth, your species, your government, or your kids. They will grow up in poverty since you now will hardly be able to provide for any of them. Birth is not a miracle when you're kids are brought into a life where they are set up for failure. I'm not saying because you're poor you will fail in life, but statistics do show that people in poverty don't do as well in life.
This situation makes me just about as mad as the Duggar's, but not quite. The Duggar's just had their last kid this past December. Their EIGHTEENTH FRICKIN KID. That's just pathetic. I went to their web site and it's pretty clear their loaded as seen with their huge mansion. But it's also easy to see that their hardcore christian. That's what makes me so mad about this whole situation. They make Christians look bad because these people are too dumb to see that not everything is supposed to be taken literally. It talks about how to treat your slaves in the bible. Does that mean that we should get slavery? These people probably think so. So when it says go populate the earth when it was sparsely populated, it probably meant go ensure the survival of your species by populating it enough for everyone to be safe and live in harmony with the world. Not to start overrunning it and destroying it, and once it's close to it's breaking point, continue to repopulate by having eighteen kids. Do the Duggar's expect us to go to another planet? No. I can almost guarantee you that they say, oh well my kids won't be around long enough to feel the impact. The same people that take the bible so literally and go to the extreme, are the same people that don't give a shit about the environment and don't care about what God gave to us. Oh it's not my problem they say. I'm not saying that is the case with everyone, but I've seen it way too often and I'm willing to bet that that is the Duggar's opinion for it.
1 comment:
Wow, nice blog. Way to stay on topic!
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