Our choir held a fundraiser Tuesday night, but not in the typical fundraiser way. It was a magic show. And not just a lame cheap magic show. It was a legit, Las Vegas magic show, with a legit, Las Vegas magician. Do you know how I know it was legit? Well besides the tricks, he had a panther, and a leopard to help him perform. That ended up being the only flaw with the show: then animals weren't allowed to perform because they didn't get a license front the city in time. Everyone was very bummed out because of that, but it was still great. And it was probably the some of the funniest two hours of my life and I was laughing the entire time. That sounds odd for a magic show, but it was extremely funny.
But the show started with some simple tricks; tricks with doves and ducks. Making them appear, disappear, then change species. This was very impressive but i had seen it all before, and was shown how in movies like the prestige (although in that movie, to do the trick they crush the bird and kill it and I was hoping they weren't doing that with these birds). After the bird stuff he put a cloth over a big ball on a stand in the middle of the stage after a few seconds he took the cloth off and his assistant appeared inside the ball. We were all amazed as she stepped out and walked up next to him. He finally spoke and told us about the himself and the show. He informed us that it was a comedy, magic show and that when his tricks were right, it was magic, but if he messed up, then it was comedy and we should laugh to save him embarrassment.
Now I'm going to do my best to type everything the way it happened, and in the order but I'm not sure how exact it will be since the show was so overwhelming that I can't remember everything. After the whole dove routine, he took out a huge pad of paper and drew a bowling ball on it and wrote around it "Bowling Ball". He closed the pad and started moving it around and all of a sudden a big lump was in it. He moved the lump towards the ground, and a bowling ball fell out of the pad. Our jaws dropped at about the same rate as the ball and when he opened the pad, the words "Bowling Ball" remained but the picture of the ball was missing. Then he called my friend's uncle up to the stage to help him make sure the bowling ball was real. It was and the magician told him to throw the ball up to him and so he did. But then the magician dodged it and scolded him for throwing it at him, bringing in the comedy aspect to the show.
The next trick brought out the star of the show, which happened to be in the audience. He was a four year old named Sam. He was selected when the magician, who i've decided I'm going to call Tim, took a tin can with a stick around the audience hitting the can. He would hand the stick over to a few select audience members to try to repeat the sound he had just made. Four of them failed before he came to Sam who did the noise perfectly. Tim then took a few steps back and held it out for him to hit it again. He did and then Tim took a few more steps back, leading him to the stage little at a time, in the same way a person would lead their dog somewhere using treats. When they finally got on Stage and the following conversation took place.
"Well what's your name?" Tim asked
"How old are you?"
in a tired voice accompanied by a sigh "Four."
" Oh really? Too bad you have to be five to be on stage. Hey Sam how old are you?"
In the same sigh, "Four."
"Oh? Too bad you have to five to be on stage. Hey Sam how old are you?"
Sighing "Four."
It could possibly be one of funniest conversations I've ever seen a little kid have. Tim laughed then pointed at another girl from the audience to come up and join them. She did look about five, maybe four. Her name was Emily. He then said what he wanted them to do was use their imagination, grab a floating (make believe) coin from mid-air and put it in the tin can. He demonstrated and we misteriously heard a clink inside the can. Then Emily tried it. She reached out, closed her fist, and let it go over the can: another clink. Then it was Sam's turn. Tim told Sam to reach out and grab a coin to place it in the can. So what does he do? He reaches his hand inside the can, grabs the coin and drops it back in it. Tim tried to tell him what to do but he kept grabbing the coin from inside and dropping it back in. When he produced a few more laughs, he smiled and kind of spasmed, where he slapped his hands against his legs and shook back and forth which produced a bigger laugh. He was just so cute! I feel gay now but whatever. He did finally get it right, but when he dropped the invisible coin in, no noise was made. Until Tim put the can behind him under his butt and tugged his arm. We misteriously heard a coin drop. After a few more of these tries he sent the kids back to their seats to begin another trick, which I'll get to in the next post.
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