Scenes like the one above are common in Cirque Dreams: Jungle Fantasy. It is a show that was seen on Broadway, and then diffused to other cities around the country, including St. Louis which is where I happened to see it over Spring Break. It's kind of a rip off of Cirque Du Soleil, and not as good. But that doesn't mean it wasn't impressive, because I'm not saying that at all.
It started out with kind a funny beginning, much like Cirque Du Soleil shows do. Two plants went up on stage, and it was kind of obvious to tell they were from their build. The guy looked very athletic, had huge arms, and had an interesting outfit on. The girl that went up just had a perfect body and had to be a dancer or gymnast. Sure enough after the little stint they did, she ran backstage and the guy stayed up there.
The show wasn't as good for a few reasons. One, some of the acts were a little messy, such as the first one which was a jump roping act. They messed up a LOT in it and it didn't look very good at all. Second, the stage they were on was not as good as Cirque Du Soleil stages. Their stages are designed for their show and give you a much better look at it and help the feel. This was just a regular theater, and although it was an amazing theater, it still wasn't a theater for that type of production.
What did strike me about the show though, was how certain people did much more than one thing. The main guy for instance, was in several acts as a main guy, whether it was jump roping, doing crazy acrobatics, or spinning big wire cubes (which you have to trust me, it was really cool).
What impressed me most though was when three guys that had to weigh 250 pounds each came on stage. They had the same role as the three guys in the picture above did. I saw one of the biggest guys get down into a squatting position, then another big guy stand on his knees. A guy come up from behind the guy standing and grabs his hand over the guys shoulder and lifts himself off the ground, with one hand. He then pulls himself onto the guys shoulder to stand there. That's two, 250 guys standing on one guys knees while doing a squat. It was crazy.
So it wasn't Cirque Du Soleil, but it was still amazing, and if you have the chance, I recommend watching it.
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