I'm sitting in the computer lab right now during AP Lang, and Robert is sitting next to me looking up pictures of huge ass snakes, so I think I'll talk about that.
For anyone that doesn't know me that well, I have a phobia of snakes. I'm not sure what that's called so I'll look it up now. Ophidiophobia is what it's called. I don't know why I'm afraid of snakes, but it's almost more of a recent thing. Snakes used to just creep me out and I didn't like them. But as I got older, I watched Indiana Jones more and other action movies filled with snake pits, snake bites, and other scary images. Now,just the thought of them make me cringe, and when snake shows come on, I start squirming in my seat.
One time I stepped on a snake, and yelled ran away. There's my snake story. Very anticlimactic, I know. Here are some sights that scare the shit out of me.

Well that was extremely painful for me so I hope you enjoy it.
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