This is a little late, like over a week late, but I still want to talk about it. Scrubs season/series finale aired 2 weeks ago and it was not fun. Not because it was a bad episode, cause it was an awesome episode. But it wasn't fun because scrubs has been my favorite show for a while now and I have greatly enjoyed the new episodes and have been dreading the end of the show.
The final episode and last few episodes of the season involved JD leaving the hospital to work at a hospital closer to his son Sam. The finale was his last day at Sacred Heart and how he pictured the rest of his life.
In the very beginning of the episode they start off by Elliot telling JD not to be too disappointed if his leaving isn't as big as he imagined. As the day goes on, it quickly shows that this will be the case as it seems Turk is the only person really taking notice and trying to make it special.
Since it is probable that this is the last episode ever, you can feel the emotion in all of the actors through several points, such as when Carla is telling JD how much she will miss him. But where I felt it the most, and where it could be one of the most emotional points in the episode is when Dr. Cox is defending JD after he leaves when an intern says he wasn't that great. He then goes on to say that he was the best doctor to ever come through their and he was also an exceptional person. He ends it by saying that JD was his friend, all as JD is listening. After this rant, JD gets his dream by giving Cox a hug.
After this occurs, he begins his walk out of the hospital as many old characters make appearances as he imagines them wishing him goodbye. When he leaves is when they kind of resolve everything. A montage begins playing as he watches and it's home video like footage of his future. After the montage gets done playing, you could see Zach Braff (JD) crying since this was his last moment ever on scrubs. JD thinks to himelf as he walks to his car, "maybe this once my fantasies will come true." implying that this montage was indeed the future. After he thinks this, Bill Lawrence, the creator and director, is seen as a janitor saying goodnight to him.
Then the credits got rolling and it was somewhat hard to watch. They played the theme song as they showed them shooting the last episode and they showed everybodies last scene. It was pretty emotional. I liked this finale, but felt like it came a little short since I wanted to know what was going to happen. I wanted JD to propose or something like that, instead of just saying, yeah this could happen.
This was supposed to be the last season of scrubs, since it is definitly Zach's, and without JD, there is no scrubs in my opinion. But I guess now they are saying that they will continue next season, maybe with most of the same characters and cast. I'm not totally sure about how I feel about this because I love scrubs, but the main thing I love about it, is JD. He is the show for me. so I think if he guest starred on it every once in a while, I would enjoy it. But they can't just continue without him and expect it to be great still.
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