This weekend I saw X-men Origins: Wolverine, the newest X-men movie in the series. What I was expecting was an intense action movie, with a pretty good story to reveal how Wolverine's, or Logan's, previous life went down. And that was exactly what I got.
I'm not going to go into too much detail to prevent giving away the entire movie, but t started off his troubled life by showing some traumatic events that ocurred during his childhood. In these early moments, you learn that Victor Creed AKA Sabertooth, is actually Logan's brother. They had a special relationship and made a pact to always look after the other one, and not to let anyone get in their way.
In the very first scenes, it showed their roles in the civil war fighting for the union, in WW1, WW2, and the Vietnam War. And that's about all I'm going to say to not reveal anything more.
One of the coolest aspects of this movie were all of the references to other mutants, including Gambit, Deadpool, and many others. I was also really surprised when the movie started and I saw all of the people that were in this movies. I knew Ryan Reynolds was deadpool and that Liev Schreiber played Sabertooth, but I didn't know Will I Am and Dominic Monaghan were in it. That was a very pleasant surprise.
Some of the effects weren't great, like his claws at a few points. There were also few really bad/lame parts including the fiery explosion of a helicopter as Wolverine walks away from the wreckage. But I didn't pay much attention to that seeing as the fights kicked a lot of ass.
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