I reluctantly went to the talent show saturday. I went for two reasons: To see a gorgeous version of "Guy Love", and to see improv. I didn't care much about the other acts, but overall had a pretty good experience.
The improv was easily the highlight, and best part of the show. The games were funny, the kids were great, and it was a great way to pass the time between each act. They were actually more interesting than the acts.
But some of the acts were still really good. Third place was an incredible original guitar composition by stuart something. It really was amazing. Second place was a country song by some freshman. It was pretty good, but I hated the song they did. The winners were Paige and Josh. They did a song from a musical, and it was really really funny. Some other good acts were the scientist by Emily Kipper and Micheal Sepulveda, and guy love which was by Sam Krause and Alex Green. Then there was a scene from an acting class that the teacher of it just inserted in the show. It was AWFUL. It was 20 minutes long, boring, not funny, had bad acting, and would not end. It almost single handedly ruined the whole thing.
Ok now back to the improv. It was awesome. The first game was party quirks, where guests included all of the muppets, sperm, Mr. Yuska, and Britney Spears? The first three were funny, but sperm easily beat them all. It was Evan O'brien and was funny as hell. Then there was the ABC game where it took place at a bank, there was press conference where scooby had killed shaggy, and they did a competition like skit. It just may have been enough to convince MR T IS ON THE CUBS GAME me to do it next year. Sorry about the last comment. It surprised me. Damn now mr T is throwing a pitch. He's a beast. He has all American attire plus a cubs shirt. Hardass.
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